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Small bird on window pane

How to Prevent Birds from Flying into your Windows

Watching birds fly past your windows can be a peaceful and calming experience, especially if you're a bird lover. But when they crash into them? That's a different story.

It's happened to all of us at some point: We look out the window just in time to see a bird crash, stunned and confused, onto the ground. It can be heartbreaking, but more alarming is that it could've been prevented.

Birds often hit glass because they don't recognize it as an obstacle—it looks like part of the sky and doesn't reflect light like other surfaces do. That means your windows can become an unintentional death trap for unsuspecting passersby if you're not careful. So how do you best protect our feathered friends? In this article, we'll discuss the best ways to keep birds from crashing into your windows and explore safer alternatives for both birds and building owners.

Why Do Birds Fly Into Windows?

Have you ever noticed birds repeatedly flying into your windows? This scene can confuse or even scare you since it seems dangerous for the birds, yet they look like they're doing it regardless of the risks involved. So why do they do this?

Well, there are a few reasons that bird collisions occur. We can pin most of the blame here on reflective glass. Reflections of the environment on windows make it seem like the glass is an open space. This makes birds think they can pass through, leading to a painful window strike.

Reflection of light from windows like this can also cause a glare that may disorient birds. Fortunately, there are a lot of things we can do to keep our neighborhood birds safe!

Identifying The Problem Areas

Birds are attracted to the sky's reflection in your windows and think they can fly through them. Birds repeatedly hit windows before realizing it is an unsafe barrier to pass into. This can be dangerous to the bird and your window!

Yellow parakeet landing on window

The first step to take is pinpointing which windows in your home birds collide with often. It's best if you'll take the time to check for reflections of trees or skies, or other things that birds may be attracted to. You can also observe your windows to see if it reflects sunlight at specific parts of the day.

Doing this can help you create a perfect or more well-fitted bird-deterring plan for your home. There, unfortunately, isn't a universal way to do this, and what works for others may not work for you. So it's best to research and plan to keep your windows bird-safe effectively.

Installing Window Treatments Like Curtains And Decals

Another great way to prevent window collisions with birds is by using shades, curtains, or blinds. These can help avoid creating an illusion of open space, letting birds see that there's a barrier in their way. The birds can then change directions in time and fly away from your window.

Also, consider treating windows with specifically designed bird tapes or window decals. Decals can help birds easily see your window from afar due to the reflection of sunlight from different angles. Just make sure not to leave any gaps out. 

Window films are also a good option since they're easy to remove and make glass windows look opaque. 

Ornaments like wind chimes, flags, and streamers can also keep birds away from windows. Make sure to get them in bright, lively colors so birds can easily see them. Hang them up using a fishing line or thin string so they won't block your view outside.

Using Screens To Keep Birds From Hitting Windows

One of the more common ways to stop birds from flying into your windows is to use screens or taut nets. A window screen doesn't just act as a bird deterrent; it also lets you open your windows during warmer seasons for fresh air. It also softens a bird's landing if one decides to fly toward your window.

Here are some tips on using screens:

  • Purchase bird-proof meshed screens; most high-quality polyester nano-mesh products can fit the bill.
  • Get accurate measurements for your window so you'll know the exact size of the screen you'll need.
  • Consider factors like UV resistance and durability so your screen can last long.
  • Buy several screens for different windows in your home; no matter where the birds gather, you can be sure you have a protective layer.

As for nets, they can create a good form of barrier to prevent birds from striking your window. Nets can be made from different materials, so they're flexible and usually easy to obtain. They can also provide a softer landing if a bird still accidentally flies toward your window pane. They're strong enough to withstand rain and wind, making them an effective form of protection from natural occurrences as well. 

Besides that, nets can also offer a safe space for migratory birds to rest. Just make sure you've attached it securely to your window frame and the ground.

Chemical Bird Repellents

Using chemical repellents can be an effective way to prevent birds from colliding with your windows. These repellents are easy to apply and come in different forms, such as sprays, gel coatings, and liquids. Most chemical repellents contain ingredients that create a strong odor or taste unpleasant to birds, discouraging them from getting near the glass.

Repellents are often made of natural ingredients like citrus oils, cayenne pepper, or capsaicin, making them safe for pets and children. Some products also include UV reflective particles that help to make the window visible to birds when they fly by.

You should directly apply your repellent onto your window's surface and follow any instructions that came with the product. Keep in mind that repellents need to be reapplied from time to time for them to remain effective. It will help to mark every application on your calendar to be sure when to go to the next re-application.

How To Prevent Birds From Flying Into Your Windows FAQs

Why do birds peck at windows?

Birds can peck at windows for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes they can even do it out of boredom! Usually, birds see their reflection and think they're seeing a threat or an intruder to their territory. It's also possible that they're seeing food like seeds or nesting materials near your window. 

How do you stop birds from colliding with windows?

The main thing you should remember when trying to keep birds from hitting your window is to make the glass as visible as possible. You can stick decal designs or strips of tape onto your windows if you don't mind that option. There's also the choice of using chemical repellents, tempera paint, or hanging things like wind chimes.

Black bird on feeder

Besides that, ensure there aren't any bird feeders or bird baths 3 feet from your windows. The best distance for feeders will be around 30 feet away to give birds enough time to distinguish your glass panes as a barrier.

Do birds get hurt when they fly into windows?

Yes, birds get hurt during window collisions. Around one million to one billion birds are estimated to get injured or die yearly due to colliding with glass windows. You can reduce this number by taking preventative steps such as applying window clings or adding fixtures like awnings outside your window, which can make them less attractive to birds and reduce collisions.

Protecting birds from window collisions involves a mixture of strategies, from choosing the right window treatment to providing alternative ways for them to get food or access certain areas. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for safety, but with research and following our guide, you can create an effective plan to keep your feathered visitors (and your windows) safe!

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